february MONTHLY SPECIALS east & west stores

east and west stores - kinky liqueurs

  • 750 mil - $18.99

    east & west stores - miller lite

    • 24-pk 12oz cans - $22.99

    east & West stores - coors light

    • 24-pk 16oz cans - $25.49


    east & west stores - mcadams canadian whisky

    • 1.75 liters - $15.99

    east store only - white claw

    • 24-pk cans - $24.99

    east & west stores - budweiser, bud light, & bud select

    • 24-pk 12oz cans - $22.99

    east & west stores - artigiano bellinis

    • 750 mil - $8.99

    east & west stores - stella rosa wines

    • 750 mil - $10.99

  • prices may change without notice.  items subject to availability.  stock may vary by location.  no additional discounts.

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